Welcome to

St. John's Lutheran chUrch

Whitehall, PA

worship On Sundays

Join us at 9:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary

or on Zoom.


W0rship On SAturdays

For a shorter service,

5:00 p.m. in Fritze Hall

1st Saturday of the Month,

Sept. - May

1st and 3rd Saturdays

June - August

Worship On-line

Go to our YouTube Channel

for videos of our Sunday Services

YouTube Channel

Who ARe We?

Our Mission: 

Feeding People:  Body, Mind, and Spirit

Gentle and kind in our dealings

with one another,

determined in our desire to serve others,

we are followers of Christ. 

We strive to be part of Jesus’ mission,

to make God’s will for mercy and justice

real in our world today.


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